Geotechnical Software
Intuitive software suite for civil engineers and geologists.
GEO5 is a comprehensive software suite providing solutions for any task
from geological survey to advanced geotechnical design.
Stability Analysis
Analysis of slope stability, rock slopes and MSE walls.
Excavation Design
Design and verification of retaining structures, diaphragm and pile walls.
Retaining Wall Design
Complex design of gravity, cantilever and prefab retaining walls.
Shallow Foundations
Bearing capacity and settlement of spread footing, strip footing and foundation mats.
Pile Foundations
Bearing capacity and settlement of piles and pile groups.
Settlement Calculations
Analysis of settlement and consolidation of foundations.
Tunnels and Shafts
Analysis of tunnels, underground structures and vertical shafts
Geological Modelling
Terrain and subsoil modelling based on geological survey data.
Geological Survey
Site investigation data (boreholes, CPTs), reporting and creation of cross-sections.
For More Information
Intuitive Interface Top-Down Workflow
GEO5 programs have unified environment and intuitive interface top-down workflow .
From The Survey To The Advanced Design
GEO5 integrates geological data modeling with advanced geotechnical tasks.
Program Linked Together
GEO5 enables comparison of two independent solutions.
Mobile App For Borehole Logging
Collect geological data in the field and send it to the stratigraphy program.
BIM Support
GEO5 is export data to common BIM and share and share with them third party program.
Many Standard And Method
GEO5 is universal tool for engineers all over the world.
Analytical Method & FEM
GEO5 enables to transfer data between individual programs.
Output Report Language
GEO5 generates output reports in variety of languages- useful for foreign projects.
Comprehensive Output
GEO5 output reports can be easily edited or exports to PDF or MS Word format.
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